German Design Award for the RECARO Exo

The RECARO Exo is not only an excellent gaming seat, but also a real design highlight. We are pleased to announce that we are among the winners of the German Design Award with our Exo!
At the German Design Award, innovative projects and products are honored annually by an international jury. The prize is awarded by the German Design Council, the German brand and design authority. With the Exo, RECARO is one of the winners of the year 2020!
The foundation for success
Workshops, surveys, and close cooperation with the gaming community are the foundation for our gaming seat. High-quality materials and components as well as a unique design ensure that the RECARO Exo is ideally suited for all types of gamers. The office chair certification is another point that shows the high standards to which the Exo has been constructed.

Djunianto “Kiki” Ko is one of the most experienced designers at RECARO and has been with the company since 2005. As Head of Industrial Design, he is also largely responsible for the appearance of RECARO Exo.
An award of the highest level
Every year, groundbreaking products are honored with the German Design Award, which is why we are particularly pleased that the RECARO Exo has now joined these ranks.
The Exo's award also further underpins the importance of the gaming market and eSports , which the jury's verdict clearly shows: "Gaming fascinates millions of people and is now considered a serious sporting discipline. The RECARO Exo is precisely tailored to the needs of the gaming and eSports scene and expresses this comprehensibly in its progressive, sporty and dynamic look. The comfortable seat can be individually adjusted to the user's personal requirements and ensures an ergonomically optimal sitting posture throughout the entire gaming process."